RND Consultants, Inc.
DBE/WBE/SBE Certified
Masshousing Small Developer Pilot Program/ Neighborhood HUB Program
New Bedford, MA
Project Description:
Through a Small Developer Pilot Program/Neighborhood Hub Program offered by MassHousing, RND is working to support a minority developer with preconstruction services. The proposed project plans consist of converting an underutilized and blighted warehouse into a 9-unit affordable apartment building. The focus of this project is to pilot opportunities for minority businesses that want to invest in the communities that they live, work, and play in.
RND is assisting with the development agreement between a non-profit developer Westside Legends and Berkshire Housing Development. RND is providing proforma review and evaluation, advisory services for selection of development team members, permitting assistance, and funding sources/capital stack/neighborhood stabilization support 105 Ashley Blvd in New Bedford,
Massachusetts. RND is working as the Owners Project Manager (OPM) including providing the project strategy, coordinating with the architect and engineer for accuracy and completeness, conducting design reviews to ensure planning board requirements are met, preparing the financing and construction cost estimate required for the public grant funding applications (Neighborhood Stabilization Program, One Stop, and Community Preservation Act Funding). RND value: mentor the new developer on real estate development fundamentals to allow the development to succeed.
Role: RND is acting as the owners project manager for a 9 unit affordable housing apartment building.
Professional Services:
Market Analysis
OPM to Support the Developer
Date of Service: 2024
Completion Date: Ongoing